--- layout: default title: Questions & answers permalink: /qna/ --- ## How do you preferred to be called? Markus, or muhh (only as a username, _never_ capitalized). ## Why muhh? My first username was "heure" or "l'Heure", which was an old nickname based on my surname. But that didn't stick and I used the uncreative thing and used my initials. Yes, I have three first names. It's a traditional thing where kids get piled on names of their godparents. I like it. ## How is your name pronounced? Phonetic spelling: ˈmaʁkʊs The muhh sounds like a cows moooo. Go figure. ## What are your pronouns? He/him. ## Where are you from? I am from [Hammelburg, Germany](https://www.openstreetmap.org/#map=15/50.1195/9.8850). {% comment %} ## Are you OK? [I am tired of my own thoughts.](https://muan.co/notes/2023-09-06-uu) {% endcomment %}