--- title: Markus Heurung layout: default root: true ---

I'm a family guy with a loving partner, three great kids and a cuddly and very patient labradoodle.

Based in Hammelburg, Germany. Born at 331ppm.

This is my happy place on the internet.

{% comment %}


RSS What are these? {% include stories.html lang="en" %}


All photos RSS
{% assign photos = site.data.photos | slice: 0, 5 %} {% for photo in photos %} {{ photo.alt }} {% endfor %}

Film photos

All film photos RSS
{% assign photos = site.data.film | reverse | slice: 0, 5 %} {% for photo in photos %} {% capture image_url %}{% for url in photo.variants %}{% if url contains "/thumbnail" %}{{ url }}{% endif %}{% endfor %}{% endcapture %} {{ photo.meta.alt }} {% endfor %}

{% endcomment %} {% assign note = site.notes | last %}


Recent notes RSS
Latest: {{ note.date | date: "%B %e, %Y" }}
{{ note.content | markdownify }}
