72 lines
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72 lines
2.2 KiB
function settime() {
const timestamp = document.querySelector('[data-timestamp-text]')
if (!timestamp || !('Intl' in window)) return
const options = {
timeZone: "Europe/Berlin",
timeStyle: "short",
hour12: false
// https://gist.github.com/muan/e7414b6241f088090acd916ed965540e
let time = new Intl.DateTimeFormat(navigator.language || "de", options).format(new Date())
// https://bugs.chromium.org/p/chromium/issues/detail?id=1262801
if (time.match(/^24:/)) time = time.replace('24:', '00:')
// Setting interpolated string instead of just the time because
// if there's no JS there should be no mentions of current time
const text = timestamp.getAttribute('data-timestamp-text').replace('{time}', time)
timestamp.innerHTML = text.replace(':', '<span class="timestamp-colon" data-colon>:</span>')
const now = new Date()
const sec = now.getSeconds()
const secondIsEven = sec % 2 === 0
const colon = document.querySelector('[data-colon]')
if (colon) colon.style.animationDelay = `${(secondIsEven ? 0 : 1000) - now.getMilliseconds()}ms`
const delay = 60000 - ((sec * 1000) + now.getMilliseconds())
setTimeout(settime, delay)
const statusEl = document.querySelector('[data-status-loading]')
try {
statusEl.hidden = false
const s = await (await fetch('https://status.lol/muhh.js')).text()
if (s.trim() !== '') {
const [datetime, text] = s.split('\n')
const date = relativeDate(new Date(datetime))
if (date) {
document.querySelector('[data-status-text]').textContent = text
document.querySelector('[data-status-datetime]').textContent = `(${date})`
} catch (e) {
function relativeDate(date) {
const now = new Date()
const diff = now - date
const hour = 1000 * 60 * 60
const day = hour * 24
const week = day * 7
const rtf = new Intl.RelativeTimeFormat('en', { style: 'narrow' })
if (diff < hour) {
return rtf.format(-Math.floor(diff / 60000), 'minute')
} else if (diff < day) {
return rtf.format(-Math.floor(diff / hour), 'hour')
} else if (diff < week) {
return rtf.format(-Math.floor(diff / day), 'day')
} else {